Flying over Lake Sihl with Mo and Stefan

07.07.2013 - Flying

Strong breezes were forecast for today, so Stefan, Mo and I set our sights on the Hummel at Sihlsee as the ideal breeze flying area. After a quarter of an hour climb, we arrived at the lower launch site around noon and encountered about 20 other somewhat frustrated looking paraglider pilots who were talking about the lack of wind. One or two paragliders were already in the air - but they must have taken off from the very top. To hike up to the upper launch site on the Hummel for an hour in the sweltering heat was too strenuous for us and so we waited comfortably at the lower launch site for better wind.

The wind just didn't want to freshen up. We studied the approaching gusts on the Sihlsee. But every gust was followed by a longer calm - no chance to stay in the air for more than 5 minutes with the weak wind. Gradually more and more of the initially numerous paraglider pilots disappeared to look for better flying areas - until after about 4 hours there were only four of us left at the launch site. And as expected the wind freshened up later in the afternoon. My paraglider was already spread out for an hour and I was the first to take off to test the conditions in the air for the others... The wind was still weak, but close to the trees, on the steep slope it lifted me up like slowly but reliably, until after ten minutes I was circling over the top of the Hummel. Ha! Once again, the patient "parawaiting" paid off.

Mo and Stefan were also able to work their way up to me after another lull in the wind, and soon we were comfortably cruising around together in the calm afternoon thermals. Again and again I was able to "soar" on the slope, i.e. ride like a surfer on a wave, with a few meters ground clearance in the calm laminar updraft. After two and a half hours, the three of us landed on top of the Hummel on the launch pad purely for a (non-)smoke break. What a magnificent view over the Sihlsee - without the arduous walk up here!

After the relaunch, we were able to stay in the air despite the slowly sinking sun, fly over to the Tritt and back again, until we landed again half an hour later down by the cars with the sun low. Another wonderful flying day for the "Vega gang" (we all fly the same "Vega III" glider) came to an end with a cozy dinner in the Gross'er Dorfbeiz.